What 5 letter word typed in all capital letters can be read the same upside down?
Answer: SWIMS.
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Woman jumped from a Plane without a parachute Riddle
Answer: Her plane was still on the Ground!, didn’t get that hurray! 🙂
Hence no Parachute required to save her life and so no major injuries too.
Riddle with answer: A woman jumps from her Plane without a Parachute and with no injuries her body.
Why? and how it happened?
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Correct Answer :
Her plane was still on the Ground!, didn’t get that hurray! 🙂
Hence no Parachute required to save her life and so no major injuries too.
keep thinking!
Riddle with answer: A woman jumps from her Plane without a Parachute and with no injuries her body.
Why? and how it happened?
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Correct Answer :
Her plane was still on the Ground!, didn’t get that hurray! 🙂
Hence no Parachute required to save her life and so no major injuries too.
keep thinking!