Classic Riddles What runs without legs? Answer: Water. Solution: Show Answer Water. Reveal Answer 0 1 Share with Facebook Comment You may also like.. Funny Riddles How fast do librarians travel? Answer: They Book Solution: Reveal Answer 1 0 Kids Riddles There are 4 borthers 3 of them want to buy a television which is 30 pounds. Each of them pay 10 pound each they give the money to the fourth brother and asked him to go into town and buy the television. When he got there the man said there was 5 pounds off so the fourth brother took the 5 pound and television and left. He decided to make some money out of this so he took 2 pounds and give the other 3 pounds to his brothers. So the 3 brothers only payed 9 pounds each. 3 times 9 is 27 were is the last pound? Answer: Add 3 on to 25 = 28 then add 2 Solution: Show Answer Add 3 on to 25 = 28 then add 2 Reveal Answer 3 1 Tricky Riddles A man sails off on a cruise between Mexico and the USA. He does not stop at any ports and does not even come out of the cabin, yet he makes $300,000 from his trip. How? Answer: He's a smuggler. Solution: Show Answer He’s a smuggler. Reveal Answer 0 0 Easy Riddles I come across as flat, But theirs more to me than my surface; You climb my moutains from top to bottom, And fall from bottom to top. What am I? Answer: Ocean Solution: Show Answer Ocean Reveal Answer 0 0 Medium Riddles What’s nowhere, but everywhere except where something is? Answer: Nothing. Solution: Show Answer Nothing. Reveal Answer 0 0 Previous Next Submit a Comment Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name Email Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ