Dirty Riddles What does a cow have four of that a woman only has two of? Answer: Legs Solution: Reveal Answer 252 43 Share with Facebook Comment You may also like.. Easy Riddles What can be seen but not touched? Answer: shadow Solution: Reveal Answer 0 0 What am I ? I have seven letters and am something you eat. My only anagram can help your pain. If you remove my first 2 letters I wear things down. Removing my first 3 letters is an adjective and removing my first 4 letters leaves a measure of time. What am I? Answer: sausage Solution: Reveal Answer 0 0 What am I ? I belong to everyone. Sometimes make you happy, sometimes make you sad. I will never end until the day you do. What am I? Answer: Thoughts Solution: Reveal Answer 1 0 Medium Riddles Why is the obtuse angle always cranky? Answer: Because it is never right! Solution: Show Answer Because it is never right! Reveal Answer 1 0 Easy Riddles If the day before yesterday is the 23rd, then what is the day after tomorrow. Answer: The 27th Solution: Reveal Answer 2 0 Previous Next Submit a Comment Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name Email Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ