Logic Puzzles

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Five hundred begins it, five hundred ends it, Five in the middle is seen; First of all figures, the first of all letters, Take up their stations between. Join all together, and then you will bring Before you the name of an eminent king. Who am I?

7 0

Sally, Lisa, and Bernadette are triplets. But Sally and Lisa share something that Berandette does not. What is it?

32 3

Some cogs are tigs. All tigs are bons. Some bons are pabs. Some pabs are tigs. Therefore, cogs are definitely pabs.— TRUE or FALSE?

2 2

A Queen has twins by Caesarean section so it’s impossible to tell who was born first. Now the twins are adults and ready to rule. One is intensely stupid, while the other is highly intelligent, well loved and charismatic. Yet the unintelligent one is chosen as the next ruler. Why?

4 1

A woman who lives in new york legally married three men, she did not get divorce, get an enollment, or legally seperate. How is this possible?

1 0

Fred is listening to the raido when it suddenly stops playing. Nobody is with Fred and nobody touches the radio. A few seconds later, the radio resumes playing. How can this be?

3 0