Riddles for Adults

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What did the hangman get his wife for her birthday?

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I am slim and tall, Many find me desirable and appealing. They touch me and I give a false good feeling. Once I shine in splendor, But only once and then no more. For many I am “to die for”. What am I?

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I like to be blue and have been since ’63, but I could be anything if my circuit was fixed. I’m small yet infinitely bigger. I was grown but I’m made of metal. I am the last of my kind just like my beautiful idiot once was. Together we will travel, have traveled or are traveling. Tenses as seen, seeing, will see, are mysterious to me. Wibblies and wobblies, time correctly described by a Lord. What will I be, what have I been, or is it, what am I?

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A man is discovered dead sitting at his desk, alone in the locked office. He did not commit suicide and there was no weapons in the room. The only clue is a sealed envelope on the desk in front of him. How did he die?

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I am a box that holds keys without locks, yet they can unlock your soul. What am I?

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I weaken all men for hours each day. I show you strange visions while you are away. I take you by night, by day take you back, None suffer to have me, but do from my lack. What am I?

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