Tricky Riddles Name three things that? 1. Are red 2. Can swim 3. Give off heat Answer: Answers may vary. 1. Apples, Roses, Stop Signs 2. Fish, Dogs, Snakes 3. Sun, Fire, Your body Solution: Show Answer Answers may vary. 1. Apples, Roses, Stop Signs 2. Fish, Dogs, Snakes 3. Sun, Fire, Your body Reveal Answer 0 0 Share with Facebook Comment You may also like.. Funny Riddles What made Cyclops quit teaching? Answer: He only had one pupil! Solution: Reveal Answer 0 0 Difficult Riddles What is the heart of many risks, has a heart, but is not a living being? Answer: Cards Solution: Reveal Answer 1 0 Medium Riddles I’m long but short. I can brake but bend. I can be wood, tape, and almost anything if you get me just right. What am I? Answer: I'm a ruler. Solution: Show Answer I’m a ruler. Reveal Answer Solution 1 0 Short Riddles What is 1 animal that can see at night but blinded at day? Answer: A bat and 1=a. Solution: Show Answer A bat and 1=a. Reveal Answer 50 13 Medium Riddles I wear striped sweaters and have a real green thumb. My favorite things are flowers and the taste of ripe plums. My home is shared with family and we all work together. We live beneath our queens decree, always striving to be better . When I kill myself it hurts you too, and leaves a stinging pain. Everything I say is true: now tell me, what’s my name? Answer: Bee. Solution: Show Answer Bee. Reveal Answer 0 0 Previous Next Submit a Comment Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name Email Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ