Classic Riddles

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Read my riddle, I pray. What God never sees, what the king seldom sees, and what we see every day. What is it?

109 27

What can go up a chimney down, but cannot go down a chimney up?

68 75

You are in a room that is completely bricked in on all four sides, including the ceiling and floor. You have nothing but a mirror and a wooden table in the room with you. How do you get out?

47 11

Pregnant every time you see her, yet she never will give birth. What is it?

262 72

Black I am and much admired, men seek me until they’re tired. When they find me, they break my head, and take from me my resting bed. What am I?

136 42

Jack has 8 bricks 7 of them weights the same amount and one is slightly heavier. Using a balance scale, how can Jack find the heavier brick in two weighings?

99 42