Funny Riddles If I am holding a bee, what do I have in my eye? Answer: Beauty, because beauty is in the eye of the bee-holder! Solution: Reveal Answer 418 116
Funny Riddles What is the worst vegetable to have on a ship? Answer: A leek(leak) Solution: Reveal Answer 200 89
Funny Riddles Which letter of the alphabet contains the most water? Answer: The Letter C Solution: Reveal Answer 209 51
Funny Riddles What word begins and ends with an ‘E’ but only has one letter? Answer: Envelope Solution: Reveal Answer 124 29
Funny Riddles What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it? Answer: Short Solution: Reveal Answer 107 21
Funny Riddles What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs? Answer: Clock Solution: Reveal Answer 92 11