600+ Best Slam Book Questions [Friends, Lover, Couples, Adults & kids]
Solution: [et_pb_section fb_built="1" _builder_version="4.20.4" _module_preset="default" custom_padding="8px|||||" global_colors_info="{}"][et_pb_row _builder_version="4.20.4" _module_preset="default" custom_padding="7px|||||" global_colors_info="{}"][et_pb_column type="4_4" _builder_version="4.20.4" _module_preset="default" global_colors_info="{}"][et_pb_code _builder_version="4.20.4" _module_preset="default" global_colors_info="{}"] style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-9639030040713418" data-ad-slot="5322112853" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true">[/et_pb_code][et_pb_text _builder_version="4.21.0" _module_preset="default" text_text_color="#000000" global_colors_info="{}"]Slam book questions for Friends, Slam book questions for Lovers, slam book questions for whatsapp, slam book messages, slam book for whatsapp, slam book questions for Couples, slam book questions
Whatsapp Slam Book Questions for Lover is a slam book message for whatsapp friends especially for crush lover. This Whatsapp slam book Messages containing slam questions to know deeply about your lover.
What is Slam Books?
Slam Books are a timeless tradition that has been done for generations and it is still popular today. A slam book is basically a scrapbook where you compile pictures, achievements, notes, and more about yourself.
It becomes a sort of like an autobiography with pictures instead of words so someone can get to know you better or quickly scan your life story- all of this depending on the design and type of the slam book.
Slam Book Questions
Slam book is an interactive game where all the questions are written by the kids themselves. The game is adapted for adult versions also where all the questions are on various topics like husband, wife, love, BF, GF, etc. Check the list of Slam books questions below.
Click here to >> Create online Slam book
- A message for me_____?
- A nick name for me_______?
- A song you would like to dedicate me_________?
- Act as my Slave for next ten days.
- Are you cheerful with the person you’ve become?
- am i able to trust you with my secrets?
- amendment your WhatsApp displaced person to my picture.
- Choose: geographic area or West Coast?
- Describe city most unforgettable expertise in college.
- Describe your soul mate…
- Did you ever have a crush on your teacher after you were a kid?
- does one believe in ghosts? however concerning aliens?
- does one believe in karma?
- does one have a set of anything?
- does one have any strange phobias?
- does one like talking on the phone or video chatting online?
- does one opt to be behind the camera or ahead of it?
- does one lie with or while not garments on?
- Don’t American statessage me till you’re taking a shower next time.
- Ever had a verse form or song written about you?
- Ever stuck a distant object up your nose?
Slam Book Questions Favorite
- entertain me for next fifteen minutes.
- Gift me a pair of shoes.
- Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)
- provide your 3 best past moments that you just can’t forget?
- have you ever ever cheated or been cheated on?
- have you ever ever gone skinny dipping?
- have you ever ever skipped school while not permission (movie, etc)?
- Hottest person in IF?
- however does one vent your anger?
- If you’re outside, what are you presumably doing?
- If you’ll be able to invisible tell wat 1st naughty things u do?
- If you may return in time to inform your 16-year-old self something, what would you say?
- If you could instantly amendment one facet of your personality, what would it not be?
- If you’ve got permission to Kiss any lady from your class, that lady you decide on to Kiss?
- most engaging singer of your opposite gender?
- My name in your wiretapper ?
- Name of your Ex?
- On your interest, the person you wish to marry.
- Propose American state in your style.
- Recharge me for one hundred Rs
Slam book Questions for Friends
- Relation between you and me______?
- Say i really like You in a very voice note.
- Send last five footage from your camera roll.
- Send me an image of your hands.
- straightforward however extraordinarily complex. Favorite band?
- Smell the air. What does one smell?
- one thing you hate in me_____?
- one thing you wish in me______?
- Stick your right arm out; what do you bit first? Do constant along with your left arm.
- Tell me a joke.
- Tell me concerning 3 funniest individuals you recognize in college?
- Tell me one secret.
- Tell me the name of your crush.
- the standard you like the foremost about yourself?
- the standard you’d just like the most in me?
- The thing you would like to be modified in me?
- To you, what’s the that means of life?
- Update your WhatsApp standing as “I’m Mad”.
- What did you are feeling after you 1st saw me______?
- What do most of your friends have confidence you that’s altogether untrue?
Click here to >> Create online Slam book for Crush
Slam Book Questions for Your Friend
- What does one hate in me?
- What do you suppose about most?
- What do you think about public displays of affection?
- What will your latest text message from some other person say?
- What does your URL mean?
- what’s one thing that individuals think you’d ne’er do however you have?
- what’s the meanest you’ve got been to somebody that didn’t merit it?
- what’s the foremost dear issue you have stolen?
- what’s your crazy dream?
- what’s your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
- what’s your opinion on me?
- what’s your relationship status.
- What lie have you ever told that hurt someone?
- What was the last lie you told?
- What was the last lie you told?
- What would be your reaction if i die_______?
- What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
- What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done?
- What’s the worst place you’ve got ever been to?
- What’s your biggest “what if”?
- What’s your religion?
- What’s your strangest talent?
- once is that the last time you compete the air guitar?
- after you were little, what did you would like to be when you grew up?
- that was your most swashbuckling trip? What all did you do?
- Who here would you most prefer to comprehend with?
- Who is your celebrity crush?
- Who is your secret crush?
- Who was your relief when you were in college and why?
Slam Book Questions for Myself
I’m looking for questions to ask myself. I can’t ask other people because they will give me the same answers the next day. But if I ask myself questions, I will probably come up with different answers each time. Nothing too deep like ‘What’s the purpose of life?’ I’m looking more for questions like ‘Who inspires you?’ or ‘What do you wish for?’ Check here below some of my slam book questions for myself.
- Who was your Biggest Crush in school?
- Who was your 1st Crush in college?
- Who would you most prefer to speak to?
- Words concerning American state
- Worst mistake?
- Worst issue that ever happened to you?
- Would you wish to travel to the moon?
- you are doing need me to place this as my status_____?
- Your relief Name.
- Your dream?
- Your favorite actor or player and why?
- Your favorite creative person and why?
- Your first Crush name?
Slam Book Questions for your Friends
- Describe our relationship with a movie name.
- Sing a song and send it as a voice note.
- What do you eat today?
- What do you think about me when you met me for the very first time.
- How much money do you have in your wallet now?
- Say the Remaining balance in your mobile phone right now.
- Send the screenshot of you phones home screen.
- Dance for 10 seconds and send me that video.
- Write “Geek Dashboard” on your left hand and show me when we meet next time.
- Slam Book Questions For Friends
- Will you kill anyone if you get permission? If yes, Who is that person?
- What is your crazy dream?
- The quality you like the most in yourself?
- The quality you’d like to change in yourself?
- What do you like in me?
- The thing you don’t like in me
- On your interest, the person you like to marry.
- Your Best Friend.
- What is your opinion on me?
- The most important person in your life?
Slam Book Questions for Lover
- Slam Book Questions For Lover
- Who is your secret crush?
- Who would you most like to talk to?
- Words about me
- Worst mistake?
- Worst thing that ever happened to you?
- Your dream?
- Your favorite actor or actress and why?
- Your favorite artist and why?
- Your favorite movie and why?
- Your favorite song and why?
- Your First Reaction on My First Look
- Your Full name?
- Your Romantic ideas/expectation about Love!
- Yours Birthday?
- Gift for me
- Have you ever fantasized about a friend’s girlfriend?
- How do u Feel Wen u talk to me?
- I am your?
- If I was your slave for a day, what would you ask me to do for you?
- If u got a Chance to ask me something about My Personal Life?
- If you are an author, what book would you write?
- If you can invisible, tell what first things u do?
- If you could be the world leader you want to be, who would you be?
- If you could get one superpower, what would it be?
- If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be?
- If you give another chance to live ur life. What will you do?
- My Name in ur Phone
- My nature
- My weakness
- Nicknames people call you in whatsapp?
- One thing that u Love the Most about Me
- Rate My WhatsApp DP out of 10
- Rate My WhatsApp status out of 10
Random Slam Book Questions 2021
Check here our random slam book questions best of 2023.
- Are u working or Studying or other?
- Best couple?
- Best dressed?
- Can you describe our life with a six word sentence?
- Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
- Define Art.
- Describe in one word, LIFE is?
- Describe your soul mate?
- Did you ever have a crush on your teacher or someone much older when you were a kid?
- Discribe ur Daily rotin?
- Discribe yourself in 3 sentance?
- Do you believe in love? Why or why not?
- Do you believe in luck?
- Do you believe in magic?
- Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
- Do you have any nicknames?
- Do you have any obsessions right now?
- Do you like the smell of gasoline?
- Do you save money or spend it?
- Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
- Dream Boy/Girl?
- Ever had a rumour spread about you?
- Favorite 2Songs two lines?
- Favorite Actor n actress(post one only)?
- Favorite friend?
- Have you ever caught a butterfly?
- Hottest guy?
- How many relationships have you had?
- If I was your slave for a day, what would you ask me to do for you?
- If you are alone in Island and you have only one partner to choose..to whom you choose ,why?
- If you could be either a bee or a flower, which one would you like to be? Why?
- If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
- If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be?
- If you give another chance to live ur life. What will you do?
- If you give another chance to live ur life..what will you do?
- In a relationship?
- Love or lust?
- Most likely to be arrested?
- Some negative points in you.
- Some positive points in you.
- Someone who knows all your secrets?
- Special talents?
- Suggest a TV show for me to watch.
- Suggest a TV show for me to watch.
- Suggest a website for me to go to.
- Suggest a website for me to go to.
- Tell me about three funniest friends you know in your life?
- The best thing about you.
- The thing u like most in My Face
- What are some words or phrases you use most?
- What are your hobbies?
- What are your hobbies?
- What are Your Strengths/Weaknesses in relationship?
- What else do you do in your free time?
- What inspires you?
- What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to you?
- What is the last movie you just saw and did you like it?
- What is the one food that you would never give up?
- What is your all time funniest prank?
- What is your astrological sign?
- What is your deepest fear?
- What is your deepest fear?
- What is your deepest fear?
- What is your favorite activity and why?
- What is your favorite color and why?
- What is your favorite drink and why?
- What is your favorite holiday and why?
- What is your favorite midnight snack?
- What is your favorite movie and why?
- What is your favorite place you have traveled to and why?
- What is your favorite thing to wear?
- What is your favorite vacation spot and why?
- What is your idea of romance?
- What is your least favorite word?
- What song do you play the most on your iPod?
- What time is it?
- What type of friends do you look for?
- What type of music do you like?
- What was the last book you read?
- What was the last film you saw?
- What was your first impression about me?
- What will be your Reaction, when you will find out that I’m dead?
- What will be your Reaction, when you will find out that I’m dead?
- What would be the one thing you’d change about yourself?
- What would be the one thing you’d change about yourself?
- What would you name your autobiography?
- What’s favorite number and why?
- What’s the best advice you’ve given or been given?
- What’s the best advice you’ve given or been given?
- What’s the best advice you’ve given or been given?
- What’s the last thing you purchased?
- What’s the weather like right now?
- What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
- What’s your favorite food?
- What’s your favorite food?
- What’s your favorite memory of me?
- What’s your favorite quote/saying?
- What’s your sexual orientation?
- When was the most peaceful day you have had?
- Where do you want to be in 50 years?
- Where do you want to be in 50 years?
- Where were you yesterday?
- Which female celebrity would you want to take away for a weekend?
- Which is the song you associate with me on imagine?
- Which is the song you associate with me on imagine?
- Who is your secret crush?
- Who is your secret crush?
- Who looks like a used car saleman?
Slam Book Questions for Adults
Slambook questions for adults may seem like a child’s activity. But it is extremely helpful to make new friends and mingle with strangers. It is the perfect icebreaker and you may find someone who you never knew was interested in the same things. An excellent example of this is a slam book. A slam book is a type of activity that helps you get to know your new colleagues. A slam book is also a great way to get to know your new friends.
Here are the slam book questions for adults.
- Do you bet on the lotto?
- Do you build or destroy sand castles at the beach?
- Ever sucked on toes?
- Gasoline fumes or fresh pentel pen smell?
- How fast can you take off a girl’s bra? or a man’s briefs/boxers?
- How many times have you vomited this year?
- Is it true that all women want from a relationship is money?
- Least favorite emotion?
- The most exotic meat you’ve tasted?
- The most exotic or extraordinary place you’ve ever been to?
- What inanimate object do you have a fetish for?
- What is the one question you would ask God when you meet Him?
- What is the saddest dream you’ve ever had?
- What is your biggest fear?
- What is your name?
- What time do you usually go to bed?
- What turns you off?
- What turns you on?
- What was the biggest amount you lost on a gamble?
- What’s the longest time you’ve been knocked out cold?
- What’s the longest you’ve gone without taking a bath?
- What’s worse? College or work?
- What’s your favorite drink?
- When was the last time you bathed in the rain?
- When was the last time you punched it out with someone? Did you win?
- Which of the following super-powers would you choose: flight, super-strength or telepathy?
- Which of your nipples is more sensitive?
- Which one of your friends would you most like to switch bodies with for a day, and why?
- Would you cut off your own pinky toe for a free SUV?
- Would you feel up a cute girl or guy’s butt in a crowded train if you knew you could get away with it?
- Would you rather be smart, pretty/handsome or wealthy?
- Would you stop being friends if your best friend told you he/she was gay?
Slam book questions for Crush, BF, or GF
Slam book questions for crush boyfriend or girlfriend. Are you ready to take your love life to the next level? We’ve created a massive list of interesting and funny questions to ask your boyfriend or girlfriend. These questions will break the ice and get the two of you talking.
- If you could bring back one famous person from the dead, who would it be?
- If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be?
- If you had three wishes for me, what would it be?
- Tell your most interesting dream about us.
- What do you like best about me?
- What kind of music would you like to listen to with me?
- What movie reminds you of us?
- What really excites you?
- What so you fear the most?
- What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done?
- What’s your favorite memory of me?
- When was the most peaceful day you have had?
- Your Romantic ideas/expectation about Love!
- Everyone had a crush on a TV character when they were teenagers. Who was yours?
- Gift for me
- Give your three best past moments that you can’t forget?
- Have you ever fantasized about a friend’s girlfriend?
- Have you ever skipped college without permission (movie, etc)?
- If you are alone in Island and you have chance to have only one partner with u. whom you choose, why?
- If you could get one superpower, what would it be?
- Tell me about three funniest people you know in college?
- Which female celebrity would you want to take away for a weekend?
- Who was your best friend when you were in college and why?
- Who was your Biggest Crush in college?
- Who was your first Crush in college?
In summary, a slam book is a book wherein you can write questions about friends, lovers, and adults which you can ask your friend at a specific time. This is a good activity to do because you will not only know what your friends think about you, but you will also know how to entertain your friends by asking them questions. Some people might add a few more questions, but these are the most popular ones. If you’re looking for a good slam book, you can find several options online or you can make your own. It’s a fun activity for girls, but boys can also participate in it.
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Slam book questions for Friends, Slam book questions for Lovers, slam book questions for whatsapp, slam book messages, slam book for whatsapp, slam book questions for Couples, slam book questions
Whatsapp Slam Book Questions for Lover is a slam book message for whatsapp friends especially for crush lover. This Whatsapp slam book Messages containing slam questions to know deeply about your lover.
What is Slam Books?
Slam Books are a timeless tradition that has been done for generations and it is still popular today. A slam book is basically a scrapbook where you compile pictures, achievements, notes, and more about yourself.
It becomes a sort of like an autobiography with pictures instead of words so someone can get to know you better or quickly scan your life story- all of this depending on the design and type of the slam book.
Slam Book Questions
Slam book is an interactive game where all the questions are written by the kids themselves. The game is adapted for adult versions also where all the questions are on various topics like husband, wife, love, BF, GF, etc. Check the list of Slam books questions below.
Click here to >> Create online Slam book
- A message for me_____?
- A nick name for me_______?
- A song you would like to dedicate me_________?
- Act as my Slave for next ten days.
- Are you cheerful with the person you’ve become?
- am i able to trust you with my secrets?
- amendment your WhatsApp displaced person to my picture.
- Choose: geographic area or West Coast?
- Describe city most unforgettable expertise in college.
- Describe your soul mate…
- Did you ever have a crush on your teacher after you were a kid?
- does one believe in ghosts? however concerning aliens?
- does one believe in karma?
- does one have a set of anything?
- does one have any strange phobias?
- does one like talking on the phone or video chatting online?
- does one opt to be behind the camera or ahead of it?
- does one lie with or while not garments on?
- Don’t American statessage me till you’re taking a shower next time.
- Ever had a verse form or song written about you?
- Ever stuck a distant object up your nose?
Slam Book Questions Favorite
- entertain me for next fifteen minutes.
- Gift me a pair of shoes.
- Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)
- provide your 3 best past moments that you just can’t forget?
- have you ever ever cheated or been cheated on?
- have you ever ever gone skinny dipping?
- have you ever ever skipped school while not permission (movie, etc)?
- Hottest person in IF?
- however does one vent your anger?
- If you’re outside, what are you presumably doing?
- If you’ll be able to invisible tell wat 1st naughty things u do?
- If you may return in time to inform your 16-year-old self something, what would you say?
- If you could instantly amendment one facet of your personality, what would it not be?
- If you’ve got permission to Kiss any lady from your class, that lady you decide on to Kiss?
- most engaging singer of your opposite gender?
- My name in your wiretapper ?
- Name of your Ex?
- On your interest, the person you wish to marry.
- Propose American state in your style.
- Recharge me for one hundred Rs
Slam book Questions for Friends
- Relation between you and me______?
- Say i really like You in a very voice note.
- Send last five footage from your camera roll.
- Send me an image of your hands.
- straightforward however extraordinarily complex. Favorite band?
- Smell the air. What does one smell?
- one thing you hate in me_____?
- one thing you wish in me______?
- Stick your right arm out; what do you bit first? Do constant along with your left arm.
- Tell me a joke.
- Tell me concerning 3 funniest individuals you recognize in college?
- Tell me one secret.
- Tell me the name of your crush.
- the standard you like the foremost about yourself?
- the standard you’d just like the most in me?
- The thing you would like to be modified in me?
- To you, what’s the that means of life?
- Update your WhatsApp standing as “I’m Mad”.
- What did you are feeling after you 1st saw me______?
- What do most of your friends have confidence you that’s altogether untrue?
Click here to >> Create online Slam book for Crush
Slam Book Questions for Your Friend
- What does one hate in me?
- What do you suppose about most?
- What do you think about public displays of affection?
- What will your latest text message from some other person say?
- What does your URL mean?
- what’s one thing that individuals think you’d ne’er do however you have?
- what’s the meanest you’ve got been to somebody that didn’t merit it?
- what’s the foremost dear issue you have stolen?
- what’s your crazy dream?
- what’s your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
- what’s your opinion on me?
- what’s your relationship status.
- What lie have you ever told that hurt someone?
- What was the last lie you told?
- What was the last lie you told?
- What would be your reaction if i die_______?
- What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
- What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done?
- What’s the worst place you’ve got ever been to?
- What’s your biggest “what if”?
- What’s your religion?
- What’s your strangest talent?
- once is that the last time you compete the air guitar?
- after you were little, what did you would like to be when you grew up?
- that was your most swashbuckling trip? What all did you do?
- Who here would you most prefer to comprehend with?
- Who is your celebrity crush?
- Who is your secret crush?
- Who was your relief when you were in college and why?
Slam Book Questions for Myself
I’m looking for questions to ask myself. I can’t ask other people because they will give me the same answers the next day. But if I ask myself questions, I will probably come up with different answers each time. Nothing too deep like ‘What’s the purpose of life?’ I’m looking more for questions like ‘Who inspires you?’ or ‘What do you wish for?’ Check here below some of my slam book questions for myself.
- Who was your Biggest Crush in school?
- Who was your 1st Crush in college?
- Who would you most prefer to speak to?
- Words concerning American state
- Worst mistake?
- Worst issue that ever happened to you?
- Would you wish to travel to the moon?
- you are doing need me to place this as my status_____?
- Your relief Name.
- Your dream?
- Your favorite actor or player and why?
- Your favorite creative person and why?
- Your first Crush name?
Slam Book Questions for your Friends
- Describe our relationship with a movie name.
- Sing a song and send it as a voice note.
- What do you eat today?
- What do you think about me when you met me for the very first time.
- How much money do you have in your wallet now?
- Say the Remaining balance in your mobile phone right now.
- Send the screenshot of you phones home screen.
- Dance for 10 seconds and send me that video.
- Write “Geek Dashboard” on your left hand and show me when we meet next time.
- Slam Book Questions For Friends
- Will you kill anyone if you get permission? If yes, Who is that person?
- What is your crazy dream?
- The quality you like the most in yourself?
- The quality you’d like to change in yourself?
- What do you like in me?
- The thing you don’t like in me
- On your interest, the person you like to marry.
- Your Best Friend.
- What is your opinion on me?
- The most important person in your life?
Slam Book Questions for Lover
- Slam Book Questions For Lover
- Who is your secret crush?
- Who would you most like to talk to?
- Words about me
- Worst mistake?
- Worst thing that ever happened to you?
- Your dream?
- Your favorite actor or actress and why?
- Your favorite artist and why?
- Your favorite movie and why?
- Your favorite song and why?
- Your First Reaction on My First Look
- Your Full name?
- Your Romantic ideas/expectation about Love!
- Yours Birthday?
- Gift for me
- Have you ever fantasized about a friend’s girlfriend?
- How do u Feel Wen u talk to me?
- I am your?
- If I was your slave for a day, what would you ask me to do for you?
- If u got a Chance to ask me something about My Personal Life?
- If you are an author, what book would you write?
- If you can invisible, tell what first things u do?
- If you could be the world leader you want to be, who would you be?
- If you could get one superpower, what would it be?
- If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be?
- If you give another chance to live ur life. What will you do?
- My Name in ur Phone
- My nature
- My weakness
- Nicknames people call you in whatsapp?
- One thing that u Love the Most about Me
- Rate My WhatsApp DP out of 10
- Rate My WhatsApp status out of 10
Random Slam Book Questions 2021
Check here our random slam book questions best of 2023.
- Are u working or Studying or other?
- Best couple?
- Best dressed?
- Can you describe our life with a six word sentence?
- Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
- Define Art.
- Describe in one word, LIFE is?
- Describe your soul mate?
- Did you ever have a crush on your teacher or someone much older when you were a kid?
- Discribe ur Daily rotin?
- Discribe yourself in 3 sentance?
- Do you believe in love? Why or why not?
- Do you believe in luck?
- Do you believe in magic?
- Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
- Do you have any nicknames?
- Do you have any obsessions right now?
- Do you like the smell of gasoline?
- Do you save money or spend it?
- Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
- Dream Boy/Girl?
- Ever had a rumour spread about you?
- Favorite 2Songs two lines?
- Favorite Actor n actress(post one only)?
- Favorite friend?
- Have you ever caught a butterfly?
- Hottest guy?
- How many relationships have you had?
- If I was your slave for a day, what would you ask me to do for you?
- If you are alone in Island and you have only one partner to choose..to whom you choose ,why?
- If you could be either a bee or a flower, which one would you like to be? Why?
- If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
- If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be?
- If you give another chance to live ur life. What will you do?
- If you give another chance to live ur life..what will you do?
- In a relationship?
- Love or lust?
- Most likely to be arrested?
- Some negative points in you.
- Some positive points in you.
- Someone who knows all your secrets?
- Special talents?
- Suggest a TV show for me to watch.
- Suggest a TV show for me to watch.
- Suggest a website for me to go to.
- Suggest a website for me to go to.
- Tell me about three funniest friends you know in your life?
- The best thing about you.
- The thing u like most in My Face
- What are some words or phrases you use most?
- What are your hobbies?
- What are your hobbies?
- What are Your Strengths/Weaknesses in relationship?
- What else do you do in your free time?
- What inspires you?
- What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to you?
- What is the last movie you just saw and did you like it?
- What is the one food that you would never give up?
- What is your all time funniest prank?
- What is your astrological sign?
- What is your deepest fear?
- What is your deepest fear?
- What is your deepest fear?
- What is your favorite activity and why?
- What is your favorite color and why?
- What is your favorite drink and why?
- What is your favorite holiday and why?
- What is your favorite midnight snack?
- What is your favorite movie and why?
- What is your favorite place you have traveled to and why?
- What is your favorite thing to wear?
- What is your favorite vacation spot and why?
- What is your idea of romance?
- What is your least favorite word?
- What song do you play the most on your iPod?
- What time is it?
- What type of friends do you look for?
- What type of music do you like?
- What was the last book you read?
- What was the last film you saw?
- What was your first impression about me?
- What will be your Reaction, when you will find out that I’m dead?
- What will be your Reaction, when you will find out that I’m dead?
- What would be the one thing you’d change about yourself?
- What would be the one thing you’d change about yourself?
- What would you name your autobiography?
- What’s favorite number and why?
- What’s the best advice you’ve given or been given?
- What’s the best advice you’ve given or been given?
- What’s the best advice you’ve given or been given?
- What’s the last thing you purchased?
- What’s the weather like right now?
- What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
- What’s your favorite food?
- What’s your favorite food?
- What’s your favorite memory of me?
- What’s your favorite quote/saying?
- What’s your sexual orientation?
- When was the most peaceful day you have had?
- Where do you want to be in 50 years?
- Where do you want to be in 50 years?
- Where were you yesterday?
- Which female celebrity would you want to take away for a weekend?
- Which is the song you associate with me on imagine?
- Which is the song you associate with me on imagine?
- Who is your secret crush?
- Who is your secret crush?
- Who looks like a used car saleman?
Slam Book Questions for Adults
Slambook questions for adults may seem like a child’s activity. But it is extremely helpful to make new friends and mingle with strangers. It is the perfect icebreaker and you may find someone who you never knew was interested in the same things. An excellent example of this is a slam book. A slam book is a type of activity that helps you get to know your new colleagues. A slam book is also a great way to get to know your new friends.
Here are the slam book questions for adults.
- Do you bet on the lotto?
- Do you build or destroy sand castles at the beach?
- Ever sucked on toes?
- Gasoline fumes or fresh pentel pen smell?
- How fast can you take off a girl’s bra? or a man’s briefs/boxers?
- How many times have you vomited this year?
- Is it true that all women want from a relationship is money?
- Least favorite emotion?
- The most exotic meat you’ve tasted?
- The most exotic or extraordinary place you’ve ever been to?
- What inanimate object do you have a fetish for?
- What is the one question you would ask God when you meet Him?
- What is the saddest dream you’ve ever had?
- What is your biggest fear?
- What is your name?
- What time do you usually go to bed?
- What turns you off?
- What turns you on?
- What was the biggest amount you lost on a gamble?
- What’s the longest time you’ve been knocked out cold?
- What’s the longest you’ve gone without taking a bath?
- What’s worse? College or work?
- What’s your favorite drink?
- When was the last time you bathed in the rain?
- When was the last time you punched it out with someone? Did you win?
- Which of the following super-powers would you choose: flight, super-strength or telepathy?
- Which of your nipples is more sensitive?
- Which one of your friends would you most like to switch bodies with for a day, and why?
- Would you cut off your own pinky toe for a free SUV?
- Would you feel up a cute girl or guy’s butt in a crowded train if you knew you could get away with it?
- Would you rather be smart, pretty/handsome or wealthy?
- Would you stop being friends if your best friend told you he/she was gay?
Slam book questions for Crush, BF, or GF
Slam book questions for crush boyfriend or girlfriend. Are you ready to take your love life to the next level? We’ve created a massive list of interesting and funny questions to ask your boyfriend or girlfriend. These questions will break the ice and get the two of you talking.
- If you could bring back one famous person from the dead, who would it be?
- If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be?
- If you had three wishes for me, what would it be?
- Tell your most interesting dream about us.
- What do you like best about me?
- What kind of music would you like to listen to with me?
- What movie reminds you of us?
- What really excites you?
- What so you fear the most?
- What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done?
- What’s your favorite memory of me?
- When was the most peaceful day you have had?
- Your Romantic ideas/expectation about Love!
- Everyone had a crush on a TV character when they were teenagers. Who was yours?
- Gift for me
- Give your three best past moments that you can’t forget?
- Have you ever fantasized about a friend’s girlfriend?
- Have you ever skipped college without permission (movie, etc)?
- If you are alone in Island and you have chance to have only one partner with u. whom you choose, why?
- If you could get one superpower, what would it be?
- Tell me about three funniest people you know in college?
- Which female celebrity would you want to take away for a weekend?
- Who was your best friend when you were in college and why?
- Who was your Biggest Crush in college?
- Who was your first Crush in college?
In summary, a slam book is a book wherein you can write questions about friends, lovers, and adults which you can ask your friend at a specific time. This is a good activity to do because you will not only know what your friends think about you, but you will also know how to entertain your friends by asking them questions. Some people might add a few more questions, but these are the most popular ones. If you’re looking for a good slam book, you can find several options online or you can make your own. It’s a fun activity for girls, but boys can also participate in it.