Medium Riddles

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Why did all the pecans go to space?

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I can spell yet i have no mouth i can speak to animals but cant speak to humans i am feirce but small What am I ?

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Death and taxes; taxes and death—– They’re sure to be with us, until our last breath. So, try to save money—–How much can you save? They’ll nickel us and dime us—–Right down to the grave. And now that you’ve heard my negative chant, tell me the man’s name you hear in my rant.

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I move very easily, I am gooey, If you touch me I’ll leave a substance behind. What am I?

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I bring life and prosperity to those in my reach, but I also damage and take what I preach. What am I?

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What 11-letter English word does everyone pronounce incorrectly?

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