Classic Riddles Join a noun and adjective, and make a verb. What is the word? Answer: Impeach. Solution: Show Answer Impeach. Reveal Answer 2 2 Share with Facebook Comment You may also like.. Good Riddles What question can someone ask all day long, always get completely different answers, and yet all the answers could be correct? Answer: "What time is it?" Solution: Show Answer “What time is it?” Reveal Answer 2 1 Easy Riddles In 2000, a 40-year-old doctor told his son that when a little boy he decided to be a doctor by seeing a internet web site about performing a heart transplant on a puppy with a defective heart so that the puppy would live a normal life. I then thought that I would be a doctor so that I could help people in a similar way. What is the defect in this story? Answer: The internet did not exist when the doctor was a little boy. Solution: Show Answer The internet did not exist when the doctor was a little boy. Reveal Answer 7 0 Riddles for Adults A certain crime is punishable if attempted but not punishable if committed. What is it? Answer: Suicide. Solution: Show Answer Suicide. Reveal Answer 0 0 Medium Riddles 1. Where do fish go on vacation? 2. Where do songbirds go on vacation? 3. Where do zombies go on vacation? 4. Where do Thanksgiving Birds go on vacation? 5. Where do geometry teachers go on vacation? 6. Where do locksmiths go on vacation? Answer: 1. Finland 2. The Canary Islands 3. The Dead Sea 4. Turkey 5. Cuba 6. The Florida Keys Solution: Show Answer 1. Finland 2. The Canary Islands 3. The Dead Sea 4. Turkey 5. Cuba 6. The Florida Keys Reveal Answer 0 0 What am I ? I sleep by day, I fly by night. I have no feathers to aid my flight. What am I? Answer: A bat. Solution: Reveal Answer 0 0 Previous Next Submit a Comment Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name Email Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ