Classic Riddles Why should doctors attend to window-sashes? Answer: Because they have so many panes (pains). Solution: Show Answer Because they have so many panes (pains). Reveal Answer 0 0 Share with Facebook Comment You may also like.. Difficult Riddles Long legs, crooked thighs, little head, and no eyes. Answer: tongs Solution: Reveal Answer 1 0 Puzzles Hen, Eggs and Bananas Puzzle with answer Answer: 36 Solution: Explanation : Eq1 : 20+20+20=60 Eq2: 20+3+3=26 Eq3: 3+6+6=15 Eq4: one hen = 20 4 eggs=4 4 bananas = 4 So now putting all this in equation 20+4*4 =? applaying BODMAS… 20+(4*4)=? 20+16=36 Correct answer : 36 Reveal Answer Solution 8 4 Difficult Riddles One fourth of the population of a newly discovered planet have 4 legs. The rest have two legs. There are 60 legs total. How big is the population of the newly discovered planet? Answer: 24. Solution: Show Answer 24. Reveal Answer 2 0 Math Riddles A hobo picks up cigarette butts from the ground and can make a cigarette with 4 butts. If he finds 16 cigarette butts, how many cigarettes can he make? Answer: 5. He makes 4 cigarettes with the 16 butts. Then he smokes them and has 4 more butts to make another cigarette. Solution: Reveal Answer 1 0 What am I ? I am a box who holds keys but not locks. With the right combination I may unlock your soul. What am I? Answer: Piano Solution: Reveal Answer 0 0 Previous Next Submit a Comment Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name Email Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ