Tricky Riddles Can you list 15 items that are sold in pairs? Answer: 1. Shoes 2. Gloves 3. Socks 4. Ice Skates 5. Skis 6. Shoe laces 7. Earrings 8. Ear plugs 9. Dice 10. Reese's Peanut Butter Cups Candy 11. Speakers 12. Dumb Bells 13. Chop sticks 13. Drum sticks 14. Knee pads 15. Fake eyelashes Solution: Show Answer 1. Shoes 2. Gloves 3. Socks 4. Ice Skates 5. Skis 6. Shoe laces 7. Earrings 8. Ear plugs 9. Dice 10. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups Candy 11. Speakers 12. Dumb Bells 13. Chop sticks 13. Drum sticks 14. Knee pads 15. Fake eyelashes Reveal Answer 0 0 Share with Facebook Comment You may also like.. What am I ? I am hot. I am hidden. I am cold. I am hard. I am sharp. I am soft. I am still. I am moving. I am above. I am below. I am two and one. Always changing. Always the same. What am I? Answer: Water Solution: Reveal Answer 2 0 Funny Riddles If you rub this there is a possibility of a magical fat man coming out. Answer: Lamp Solution: Reveal Answer 0 0 Funny Riddles How does the man in the moon cut his hair? Answer: Eclipse it. Solution: Reveal Answer 0 0 Tricky Riddles I’m under your face, I’m outside your mind; A biological case, Pressure brings pain sometimes. What am I? Answer: Your skull. Solution: Show Answer Your skull. Reveal Answer 1 0 Easy Riddles Poor people have it. Rich people need it. If you eat it you die. What is it? Answer: nothing Solution: Reveal Answer 0 0 Previous Next Submit a Comment Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name Email Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ